Blog Awards · Uncategorized

Monday’s Thank you!

1. Show the award on your blog 2. Thank the person who nominated you. 3. Share seven facts about yourself. 4. Nominate 10 blogs. Link your nominees’ blogs. Thank you Not The Average Mama for nominating me.  Blogging comes from the heart, it means so much to be appreciated by amazing bloggers like you. Let’s… Continue reading Monday’s Thank you!

Fabulous Fit Mama Journey · Uncategorized

You Know It’s A Good Day When…

One morning I asked the Fabulous and Fit Mamas to finish a sentence. I received the most honest responses! I expect nothing less from these fabulous ladies! You know it’s a good day when…. Coffee my morning routine runs smoothly. I walk out the door and no one is crying or screaming. Terminator Two is… Continue reading You Know It’s A Good Day When…