A to Z Challenge 2017

The Right Thing

Welcome! My 2017 theme is UnSimply She Fiction. Each post begins with a simple sentence about a She. This fictional She is anything but simple. She may be dark. She may be funny. You may relate to her. You many not like her at all…She is revealing her truth.

 She knew the right thing was wrong for her.

She pulled out of the driveway. She knew forgiveness was wrong for her. In the past she forgave, moved on, did the right thing.

Today was not the case.  She knew her choice would cause another pain and disruption.

Forgiveness caused her pain and disruption.

To forgive him was not a release. It was imprisonment.

She glanced at the car clock. She knew he was waiting for her at their place.

He was waiting to talk things through. He was practicing their broken waltz. The Right Thing.

She heard her suitcases shifting in the trunk. She had at least forty-five minutes before he figured it out.

She turned on the highway, in the opposite direction.

She knew she did The Right Thing.

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