A to Z Challenge 2017

No, I’m Sorry

Welcome! My 2017 theme is UnSimply She Fiction. Each post begins with a simple sentence about a She. This fictional She is anything but simple. She may be dark. She may be funny. You may relate to her. You many not like her at all…She is revealing her truth.

No, I’m Sorry, she stammered…

No, I’m Sorry even though you insulted me.

No, I’m Sorry  that I am early you and you are late.

No,  I’m Sorry I can’t.

No, I’m Sorry for being me.

No, I’m Sorry was her tagline.

No, I’m Sorry was her crutch.

After a while she was exhausted from being Sorry.

She decided she would apologize only when she induced pain or anguish.

After months of practice, that day arrived.  She hurt someone’s feelings. Her words sliced through her shocked friend.

She was about to apologize when she realized…No… I’m NOT Sorry.

3 thoughts on “No, I’m Sorry

  1. It’s funny….I over-apologize to the hubs, but not at work. He (gently) teases me about it…so sometimes, I’ll start with, “I’m sorry….I mean F*** You.” LOLOLOL (It’s the kind of humor we have, it’s never done with meanness when we swear at each other.) 🙂

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