#RevofKindness · Uncategorized

A Break from Kindness-Reflection Post

I stopped writing posts for the Kindness Challenge before the challenge’s official end. As much as I loved the challenge and enjoyed writing the posts, life became a battery of To Do Lists. I had to treat myself kindly and take a break from blogging. In a society where it is a status symbol to pile on the activities, I was pleased to peal off a few layers of status. I don’t really have status.

Kindness did not evaporate from my mind the second my fingers left the keyboard.

Kindness is a big part of life. Kindness is about being mindful: thinking before speaking, looking at the situation before judging.

I believe pure kindness comes from life experience.

Ironically, knowledge of kindness is generated from the lack of kindness from others. I do not enjoy being belittled, lied to, and made to feel like “less than”. In retrospect, I realize the people who made me feel this way are emotionally “less than” . I understand that now. But, I must admit that I wish I had a snappy comeback. Lack of quick wit aside, I do not treat someone as “less than” on the days that I wish I could be anyone else but me. It happens. I get over it. However, treating someone terribly for a glimmering moment of satisfaction would infinitely haunt me.

Most of my posts were about my home life, or my “view into the living room” where my daughters play. The home is where kindness is born. It’s the place where we learn how to treat others. It’s the place where the choice is made how we treat others after we walk outside our home’s welcoming doors. Do we extend that welcome to others? Or do we slam the proverbial door of kindness in their faces, and do what’s best for us, inside our cozy worlds?

Nobody is perfectly kind all the time. I have my moments. We all do. The important thing is to keep the process of kindness evolving, growing, and above all, showing! Show kindness. Admitting is important too. Admitting when we have been less than kind may help stop some unkind habits.

My gift of blogging time is coming to an end. I hear the baby stirring. Thank you Niki from The Richness of a Simple Life for creating this challenge!

I am ready to take on another day. I know I will be even kinder after another cup of coffee.

Below is my Kindness Challenge journey. What do you think? Please be Kind!

#RevofKindness-Before Post

Self Kindness Deficiency 

Mom Listens

Kind Energy

Momming and Kindness

Counting The Kindness Sheep

“The journey of a thousand steps begins with a single step” -Lao-tzu

“Caffeine would speed up the process”-Michelle


10 thoughts on “A Break from Kindness-Reflection Post

  1. Great job of being so mindful of yourself and embracing the moment! Thank you for sharing such an open post! I’m so glad that you participated and I hope you got what you wanted out of this journey! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you better along the way and seeing where this took you. Wishing you lots of kindness! ❤

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