A To Z Challenge 2016 · Uncategorized


One of my favorite pictures from my bridal shower is me holding a glass of White Zinfandel. The White Zinfandel in all its pretty, pink, glory. Me with stars in my eyes (See my post on Marriage) prepared to celebrate my future of sharing a bathroom with a boy.

Completing the A to Z Challenge is Zinfandel worthy. For my blog, it’s a marriage between the trainer and the writer . On a grander scale, it’s a union of bloggy minds coming together through a marathon of blogging, connecting, and maybe a little praying for inspiration for the next day’s posting?

I wish I had more answers about where this new connection leads. Like a tall pour of Zin, this challenge is more about the enjoying flow than letting it breathe.

Maybe I need another glass or four?

I raise my pretty, pink Zinfandel to you, my readers. Thank you for reading

Michelle’s Alphabet. You met the woman behind the Fabulous and Fit Mamas. I am like the wizard behind the curtain, flawed, silly, and just me.

After the reveling is over, it’s time to lace up our sneakers, and Get it Done. I hope we don’t fall over from having too much Zin. So what? Let’s pour another glass of pretty pink Zinfandel. If you prefer a straw, that’s fine. I just ask that it has pink in to match the powerful pink pour! Cheers to you!

“Z” Draft

10 thoughts on “Zinfandel

  1. Hey there! I am very pleased to tell you that I have nominated you for the 2016 Liebster award! To learn more about it please visit this link, all the rules are listed there: https://psychedelicbay.wordpress.com/2016/04/30/liebster-award/#more-557

    I really hope you take this opportunity to strive, bond and engage more within the blogging community 🙂 Please let me know if you accept this award so I can keep an eye out for your post when it comes

    Best wishes,
    Cezane and Michelle

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