Weekend Coffee Share

More Coffee for Me

Let’s pretend  I am not in my kitchen right now, drinking watery coffee from my beloved and  faded Best Mom mug. No, I am in the best hidden secret coffee shop in town. No, not some corporate coffee stop! I am in an authentic, eclectic Mom and Pop coffee shop. I am behind a book shelf, in a nook, with the view of the sleepy street. No  cacophony of hustle and bustle in my caffeinated oasis, only the pleasant, muted chords from the Symphony of Solitude. A steaming cup of black coffee is in my oversized, country chic mug. If you could find me in my imaginary, secret coffee shop, behind the stack of books, in a nook, you would see my  coffee stained draft in front of me. Please pull up a chair and order yourself a cup.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you I am suffering from blogger’s block. The A to Z  Challenge awakened the writer in me.  Me. It’s funny because my blog initially did not have much to do with Me.Yes, I am candid about being a Trainer with Type 1 Diabetes, but my blog’s origins are The Fabulous Fit Mamas. The Fabulous Fit Mamas pride themselves on being real. I realized I had to get real too. I can’t be a good blogger if I can’t go “there” and reveal Me, a very caffeinated me!

The A to Z Challenge is like coming home. Back to me. Where I left off so many years ago as a moody teenager, writing her poetry, on her enormous computer, alone in her room. The world was safe from social media then. We could be truly alone.

I may have come home but I have no idea where I’m going. I love writing. Will my voice return to the Coach of the Fabulous and Fit Mamas? Or, will I take on the voice of me with fitness in between?

Who knows? Can you give me some advice? Join me for another cup of coffee, a double shot of espresso, please.  Michelle’s Alphabet (Me) is exhausting but if feels like home. Yes, more coffee for me.


20 thoughts on “More Coffee for Me

  1. I love this post, Michelle! You painted such a vivid picture, I felt like I was sitting with you in that coffee shop (me with my white chocolate mocha), talking about blogging.
    I’m still finding my blogging feet so I’m probably not the best option for advice but I would say … Why not do both? Some days are the Coach/Fitness, others are more personal about you. That’s a nice balance and gets you writing different things 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s funny how many different experiences we can have with A to Z things. I feel like A to Z has pulled me back into my research and away from the personal style I use with coffee posts and such because my topic is so research-heavy. I suppose that’s what makes the best challenges, though, because we can all get something different from them.

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  3. Oh goodness, yes! Moody teenager, writing poetry, on yellow legal pads, with pens, before the days of computers. I so get that. 🙂

    Your voice, it’s hard, isn’t it? I struggle with that too. I would have to say you write about what inspires your passions at the moment. To me, it really is a moment by moment thing. Some people are so good at having a theme for their blog, but I just can’t. I’m all over the map with whatever’s on my mind at the moment.

    Write your heart, I can say that. You’ll never go wrong writing your heart. 🙂

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  4. I get pretty personal on my blog. And before I hit publish every day it’s a struggle. I say do what feels right. The control is in your hands.:-)

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